Our Start
Chi World & Health, LLC opened in June 2010. We recognized a need to bring authentic Wisconsin ginseng to Madison, Wisconsin's state capital.
We also offer a variety of green, black, herbal, and blooming flower teas, as well as tea supplies in our shop.
Enjoying traditional and blooming flower teas offers a moment of peace and quiet during our otherwise hectic lives.
Stop in for a taste!

Why Ginseng?
Ginseng has long been a staple of Chinese Traditional Medicine for over 2,000 years. It was first used as food, but over time became known for its energy boosting and rejuvenating effects.
Wisconsin ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, is regarded to be different from traditional Chinese-grown ginseng because it contains a different proportion of ginsenosides (the active ingredient within ginseng). This different proportion results in a "cool" or calming effect, which is distinct from the "hot" or stimulant effect from Chinese ginseng.
Scientifically, Wisconsin ginseng has been shown to improve cancer-related fatigue in a randomized, double-blind trial in 2013 by Barton et al (J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013 Aug 21;105(16):1230-8).
We look forward to further studies to demonstrate ginseng's benefit in other conditions.